Our Most-Read Blogs from 2018!

4/14 Africa
4 min readNov 29, 2018

Today, we are revisiting our most popular blog topics from 2018. If you are new to the blog, or hoping to catch up on some of our key topics, welcome! Some of our most popular blog posts address pertinent topics like casting vision, planning for successful ministry, practical real-world advice on finding and training teachers, and handling student challenges in the classroom. Read on for a refresher on our most-read posts from 2018.

1. What You Need to Know About Casting Vision

Casting vision is key to creating dynamic, purposeful ministry. Vision casting is simply communicating the vision God has given you for your ministry so that others can discern if they feel called to be a part of it; and then join you in that calling if and when they do! This blog post detailed how to communicate vision, create a plan, and share the vision and plan for ministry.

2. Planning a Successful Year of Ministry

Successful ministry requires preparation and mindfulness, and now is a great time to begin planning out your next year! Revisit this blog to learn how to identify and assess your ministry and then map out your ministry for the new year to align with the vision God has given you.

3. What Makes a Successful Teacher

We know from years of experience and surveys, that the need for training volunteers and staff is often listed as the greatest need for effective ministry. In order to have a successful ministry to children and youth, effective youth leaders are imperative! Visit our “What Makes a Successful Teacher” for a reminder of the key qualities that are necessary in locating and growing successful children’s ministry leaders.

4. A Guide to Rules in the Classroom

One of the challenges of teaching in a classroom is keeping students focused and interested in the lesson, despite potential disciplinary interruptions. Testing rules and asking questions is normal for children, and often they need to learn the boundaries of the classroom before they are able to behave appropriately. We recommend revisiting this popular blog from 2018 to learn how to set up the necessary classroom rules and procedures that will create a healthy learning environment.

5. The Art of Teaching to Mixed Ages

One of the most challenging things about Children’s Ministry is teaching a classroom of kids who are all different ages. However, as we uncovered in this 2018 blog post, this can be the greatest opportunity for creativity and growth if we change our perspective! Read on to learn practical teaching tactics for very young children (2–5 years), young school age children (5–9 years), and older school age children (9–12 years).

We hope and pray that as you reflect on these blog posts from 2018, that you are reminded of what God is doing in your own ministry and where He will take you in 2019!

WellConnected is an initiative of OneHope, and is a gathering place for children and youth ministers to access resources, research, and content to raise up the next generation. It’s a collaborative platform to equip leaders and influencers to effectively reach the kids in their communities. We invite churches and ministers to join one another in coming up with innovative solutions for today’s realities. We are continually learning and growing from each other — sharing knowledge, insight, and best practices.



4/14 Africa

We are committed to reach, rescue, root, and release this emerging generation in Africa into the dream of God for their lives. info@414africa.com